Home Therapy
We are creatures of habit. Most of us only like change that’s planned and controlled to our specifications. New cars, new furniture, new appliances all come with a degree of trepidation due to the unfamiliarity factor. Not to mention learning what all those new buttons are about. And come to think of it, why is the use and care instruction manual the size of a trilogy novel?
So it’s easy to put off the really big changes, like when your house is in desperate need of a home intervention.
When considering a renovation here are the things that won’t change; your address and all the memories that entails, familiarity with your immediate vicinity, the schools within your neighbourhood boundary, the parks and trails you have come to know, the helpful neighbours that watch out for each other, and the existing landscape that you’ve lovingly worked on over the years.
However, personal situations and lifestyles will change. That’s a given. What was nice and cozy for two, no longer works for 4 or 6 people as the family grows. Conversely, what worked for 4 or 6, no longer works for empty nesters when accessibility and room reassignment becomes important. The bottom line is this, change is inevitable
If the thought of pulling up roots, packing everything up, and moving to a strange neighbourhood is enough to send you hiding in your dark, unused, basement, perhaps the thought of a renovation to you home may seem less daunting. Especially, if the following key points are checked off the process list. You have a budget that is manageable, and the scope of the renovations matches that budget. You are confident that the changes designed for your home meet all of the goals of your changing needs. You have complete trust that the contractor you have chosen is a professional who will listen, and ensure that everything is designed and built per code and with the utmost care. You realize that it is hard letting go of the old, and the memories linked to them, but look forward to a home that is serviceable, meets all of your current and future needs, expresses the uniqueness that is you and is built with a quality that will stand the test of time.
Once the renovation is completed, many things will not have changed, while those that have are welcomed with the joy of living in a home that flows and offers the comfort and luxury that you deserve. What you may not anticipate, is the sense of joy and appreciation every time you walk into your beautifully appointed kitchen, sumptuous bathroom or enlarged living space achieved by an addition or removal of walls. That feel good satisfaction is like positive therapy that will last for many, many years. And you can’t put a price on that.
So as they like to say, ‘Keep calm and renovate on’.
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